Saturday chillaxing

November 3, 2012

I’ve had my Saturday to myself apart from a rushed morning cuppa with my BF before he headed north. I’ve spent some quality me-time by doing a 10km run (first one after being back from travelling!), a lot of stretching to get rid of my hamstring stiffness from yesterday’s Romanian deadlifts and back squats, some shoe shopping for work, endless cups of herbal tea, chatting to my housemate, reading about communism and socialism and swearing at it, sending loads of ‘I miss you texts’, putting a deep-care hair treatment to give me my luscious locks back over night and now time to prepare a hot water bottle and read my Games of Thrones book and mentally prepare for 6 days of solid work consisting of a minimum of 49hs starting tomorrow. How do you prepare for a busy week ahead? are you as lazy as me?