Strength does n…

January 15, 2013

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. -Mahatma Gandhi

Bye bye student loan

January 11, 2013

I paid my student loan off! No more debt… Until I go back to uni… The plan is to start a masters in physiotherapy either in September or January.

I’m proud to be 22 and have paid my loan off. Hard work and saving money pays off. Throughout my time at university I had at least one part time job. However, I feel sorry for the kids at uni now who face tuition fees that are up to 9 grand. Hello to an elitist society. I would never have been able to go to university if this had been the case when I started. I’m not surprised if this leads to a further class division. Why punish intelligence?

Stress and more stress

January 11, 2013

Sometimes all I want after a long week is to chill and think positively. I say hello to the weekend despite working tomorrow.



Weekend bliss

January 6, 2013

When I was at uni, weekends were never that special. Everyday seemed to be the same. In my first two years we normally went out in the middle of the week and weekends were time for house parties and studying. In my final year of uni I spent most of my weekends working at a gym. Since I started working at a 9-5 job, weekends have become sacred to me. They are used to relax, prepare for the week, cook for the week, catch up on my Yoga studies, chill with my boyfriend, long runs and relaxing baths. 

Yesterday was a day of training. expect for two half hour walks and 30 minutes of stretching, I left my body to recover. I enjoyed a lie in until 9am! Spent the morning studying and in the evening me and my boyfriend made a yummy fish pie with soy milk and sweet potato mash for a healthier version. we also made a batch of brownies. A colleague gave me a recipe on fat free black bean brownies. The only issue was they didn’t really cook very well and were really moist, a bit too moist… It might be because we used melted dark chocolate rather than cocoa as suggested in the original recipe. 

But if anyone is interested, replace the fat with bananas, use argarve suryp (and stevia if the mixture is too fluid) instead of sugar and mixed black beans instead of flour. You get a healthy treat that is high in protein and also has a portion of fruit in it. Winner!

New Year, New Me…

January 3, 2013

How many people do you hear say that? how many people give it up after a week or maybe a few months? In order to reach your goals you need to be focused, determined and motivated. 

My most important resolution is to make every workout count. To give everything every single minute/second. I’m on it. Who else is? let’s make 2013 the fitest year ever!Image


November 22, 2012

Almost the weekend now! I’m going north to load my batteries with walks on the moor and chilled nights in. Good food and catching up with life is on the schedule. As well as writing some informative blog posts and planning some classes.

Today I have yawned my way through work, strengthened my muscles and now on my way home for some yoga and reading. Going up early to squeeze the gym in before work and then getting the train after


November 20, 2012

Have had a busy day and enjoyed a relaxing second yoga class this week to end the day a bit more chilled. I am so excited about my new phone that I can actually update my blog with! No excuses to not keep updating now!
Anyways, time for some sleep now. Sleep well everyone 🙂


November 15, 2012

This evening after work I just reached a complete ‘stop’. For the past 2 weeks its all been a lot and I’ve been really busy and stressed with a lack of sleep. My plans for this evening was to go to pole and then a quick gym session. My body, however, said no and I listened. I’ve had a hot shower with muscle relaxant, got a hot drink and a book next to me. Sometimes you need to take it easy and chill. A year ago I would have kept going and ignored any signs of fatigue. I would down an energy drink and get on with stuff, but had no time for a social life and came close to loosing friendships with some of the people who were close to me and I never found time for doing what I actually wanted to do as I let  my studies and a demanding part-time job take over in order to suppress all the chaos that was going inside due to personal reasons. It didn’t make me happier and I have learned from that. When my body tells me ‘stop’ I listen.





pic from :

taking advantage of the morning

November 15, 2012

I’m lucky and normally don’t start work until 9am, which gives me a couple of hours in the morning to do what I want or need. If I wake up with my boyfriend it’s often less time as he is a massive sleepy head and will do anything for some extra minutes. However, we often make sure to have a cup of coffee and breakfast in front of the news. When I’m on my own I often get up a bit earlier to do some yoga, stretch my body or to read. My biggest disappointment in life is to not have enough time to read in between work, training, social life and all the annoying everyday things you need to do like cook and clean etc. The mornings are mine when I’m on my own and I do what I enjoy and claim my time back. 




Saturday chillaxing

November 3, 2012

I’ve had my Saturday to myself apart from a rushed morning cuppa with my BF before he headed north. I’ve spent some quality me-time by doing a 10km run (first one after being back from travelling!), a lot of stretching to get rid of my hamstring stiffness from yesterday’s Romanian deadlifts and back squats, some shoe shopping for work, endless cups of herbal tea, chatting to my housemate, reading about communism and socialism and swearing at it, sending loads of ‘I miss you texts’, putting a deep-care hair treatment to give me my luscious locks back over night and now time to prepare a hot water bottle and read my Games of Thrones book and mentally prepare for 6 days of solid work consisting of a minimum of 49hs starting tomorrow. How do you prepare for a busy week ahead? are you as lazy as me?