Intervals, pull ups, dips & leg lifts

January 17, 2013

For the first time I was able to do dips with my own body weight! Dips have always been the one thing in the gym I fear and avoid. Today I had a birthday workout with my bday boyfriend. He loves dips… I had to face my fear for dips and I managed to do 2 sets of body weighted dips. Fair enough, only 6 the first time and 5 the second, but I did it!! And I will do more! 

Today’s training;

15min intervals – 2min at 10kmph with 1 min between 16.5-17.5 kmph 5 times

2 sets of pull ups with body weight (11, 8)

2 sets of body weight dips (6, 5)

2 sets of leg raises from a pull up bar (14, 12)


I ❤ training. Some fitsporation for my quest to manage to do at least 3 sets of 10 body weight dips to trim my triceps:

Imagepicture found here


Yesterday’s WOD

January 13, 2013

5 rounds on time:

6 handstand push ups
12 chest to bar pull ups
20 walking lunges.

19 minutes and 30 seconds of pure muscle workout.
Yesterday: sore fore arms and tired legs
Today: sore glutes and a satisfied smile.

Make every workout count regardless of length. if your effort that matters.


Legs and abs

January 4, 2013

Today’s WOD (as seen in previous post) has left me with tired thighs and my abdominals hurt when I laugh. 90 squat and 300 situps 18 min and 13 seconds with no rest. To finish it off 5 sets of press ups with a total of 83. My body has earned a lie in tomorrow! I feel so motivated and ready to hit the gym again when my body has recovered.

The Year of Croassfit

January 4, 2013

In the end of last year I became addicted to crossfit… Crossfit is a type of exercise where you do either one or a few different exercises based on either max weight or time. It’s short and intese and I love it. It’s a new found passion which definitley is helping me to stay in shape and improve my fitness. It can be anything from short sets of sprints to snatches and squats. ( I do love squats <3).

Today I am inspired by and will try her WOD (work out of the day):
30 back squats
100 sit ups
30 front squats
100 sit ups
30 overhead squats.
I cannot wait to start this workout!! So impatient 🙂

2013 will definitely be a year of crossfit for me 🙂

Challenge your Burpee

November 1, 2012

This morning’s session was a tough one. 6 sets of burpees for one minute and in-between various core exercises such as boat twist with a medicine ball, sit-ups on stability ball etc. followed by 6 sets of pull-ups (2 sets using body weight and 4 sets assisted) and lastly a 10 minute jog. I  combined my recovery meal with an early lunch,  2 poached eggs a slice of toast and cucumber, before hitting work to train some clients.


All for your pleasure I have included a picture sequence of how you can make your burpees more challenging and leave you with aching muscles. I’m sorry about the bad picture quality, but I have yet to take the step towards the i-phone world and hence I am still using my old BB.