Intervals, pull ups, dips & leg lifts

January 17, 2013

For the first time I was able to do dips with my own body weight! Dips have always been the one thing in the gym I fear and avoid. Today I had a birthday workout with my bday boyfriend. He loves dips… I had to face my fear for dips and I managed to do 2 sets of body weighted dips. Fair enough, only 6 the first time and 5 the second, but I did it!! And I will do more! 

Today’s training;

15min intervals – 2min at 10kmph with 1 min between 16.5-17.5 kmph 5 times

2 sets of pull ups with body weight (11, 8)

2 sets of body weight dips (6, 5)

2 sets of leg raises from a pull up bar (14, 12)


I ❤ training. Some fitsporation for my quest to manage to do at least 3 sets of 10 body weight dips to trim my triceps:

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